Who is Your King? Who is Your God?
A meditation on the eternal contribution and challenge to Christianity and to humanity made by the servant of God-the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. This is the address that was…
A meditation on the eternal contribution and challenge to Christianity and to humanity made by the servant of God-the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. This is the address that was…
Download or View the full booklet here This booklet contains personally assimilable and liveable meditations on specific dimensions of Christ’s Nonviolent Love as he endures each of the 14 stations of…
Recognizing that Catholic Just War Theory as well as Catholic Moral Theology have a certain amount of practical elasticity built into them, nevertheless, this can be stretched to the moral…
Just War Theories have been around for about 2000 years. However, they did not infect Christianity until three hundred years after Jesus’ Resurrection. St. Ambrose and St. Augustine were their…
This book, which contains 11 essays written by Fr. McCarthy, is his quintessential expression of the power and the wisdom of Gospel Nonviolence. The secondary purpose of this book is…
Behold The Lamb y su traducción al español, Ese es el Cordero, son propiedad intelectual de Dios. Dios es verdad, fuente de toda verdad, y desea que sus criaturas —…
This series provides detailed and thoughtful answers to eight (8) of the most common and sometimes troubling questions raised with respect to the validity and practicality of Gospel nonviolence as…
The titles are: Charity One Bread One Body I Believe He In The Garden Tramp on the Street Lead Kindly Light Precious Lord Take My Hand Impossible Dream Silent Night…
Emmanuel Charles McCarthy is a priest of the Eastern Rite (Byzantine) of the Catholic Church. He was formerly a lawyer, university educator and founder and original director of The Program…