Fr. George Zabelka: A Military Chaplain Repents
In August of 1945 Rev. George B. Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Army Air Force, was stationed on Tinian Island in the South Pacific. He was assigned to…
In August of 1945 Rev. George B. Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Army Air Force, was stationed on Tinian Island in the South Pacific. He was assigned to…
Franz Jäggerstäter, an Austrian martyr, is among the new Blessed announced by the Vatican. The life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter was a simple life. An Austrian peasant from the village…
This reflection is a request for those Christians, who see that the Jesus of the Gospel is Nonviolent and teaches by word and deed a Way of Nonviolent Love of…
From all over the world people have journeyed to the home of Audrey Santo and have witnessed the miraculous. Perhaps they came to see consecrated communion hosts that have bled,…
The Issue: “What of Joan of Arc and Jesus’ nonviolence? She is a saint, yet she was a soldier who engaged in homicidal combat. Therefore, lethal violence on behalf of…
This year, Lent starts one day short of the latest date on which it can begin: Ash Wednesday falls on March 9. Lent is a word derived from the German,…
Take a moment to contemplate the real origins of Mother’s Day: the belief that women can create peace and justice through nonviolent love and community rooted in humanity rather than…
Just in case your Palm Sunday and Holy Week liturgies do not communicate it clearly, or just in case your priest, minister, bishop, preacher or pastor do not tell you…