Memorial Day Meditation: Wars begin in the minds of children – Part 3
“You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, before you are six or seven or eight to hate all the people your relative hate, you’ve got to be carefully…
Memorial Day Meditation: Wars begin in the minds of children – Part 2
So, for each of us the practical moral question is this: Whom will I put before my children, grandchildren, godchildren, nephews, nieces, students, and neighbors as a model to desire…
Memorial Day Meditation: Wars begin in the minds of children – Part 1
THE HEBREW BIBLE Like the works of Homer, the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) was set in the late 2nd millennium BCE but written more than five hundred years later. But…
Biography of Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy is a priest of the Eastern Rite (Byzantine-Melkite) of the Catholic Church in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. He was ordained on August…