—for the uniting of all churches in proclaiming the truth
of the nonviolent jesus of the gospels and his way of nonviolent love of friends and enemies—
Abba, in the name of Jesus we ask you to send the Holy Spirit to gather the Churches together, so that they may proclaim that Jesus’ Way of Nonviolent Love of all people—friends and enemies—is the Way of God and therefore teach that
violence is not the Christian Way, violence is not the Holy Way,
violence is not the Gospels’ Way,
violence is not the Apostolic Way,
violence is not the Way of Jesus, violence is not the Way of God,
thereby setting Christians free forever from bondage to the unholy, un-catholic, un-apostolic, un-Christlike ways of the false gods and theologies of justified violence and enmity.
We plead this grace so that the Nonviolent Lamb may be our Lord in deed, as well as, in word and sacrament.
We request this gift so that the Christian Community may be—for afflicted humanity—a faithful witness to Jesus’ Way of overcoming evil.
We implore this healing so that the Church may be an authentic extension in time and space of the Way of the Lamb of God, of the Way of the Nonviolent Jesus, which is the Way to renew the face of the earth and to save all people from evil and eternal death. Amen.
Our Lamb has conquered; Him let us follow.