FAST FOOD (2018): Thirty-Seventh Helping
Belief in a cruel god makes for a cruel man or woman. If god can be cruel to one person god can be cruel to you.
No one loves a person he or she fear.
No one love a god whom he or she fears.
You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that god hates all the same people you do; that god wants killed and maimed the same people you want killed and maimed; that god wants you to be cruel to the same people you don’t mind being cruel to.
“If thee have a sword in thy heart then pull it out and use it. But, I have no sword in my heart. No person is my enemy.”
-Mary Jessamyn West, Quaker, Author of Friendly Persuasion
“It cannot be stressed too much: love of enemies has, for our time, become the litmus test of authentic Christian faith. Commitment to justice, liberation or the overthrow of oppression is not enough, for all too often the means used have brought in their wake new injustices and oppressions. Love of enemies is the recognition that he too is a child of God. When we demonize our enemies calling them names, we deny that they have that of God in them, which still make transformation possible. We write them out of the Book of Life. We play God.” -Walter Wink, Jesus’ Third Way
-Emmanuel Charles McCarthy