for the
FAST FOOD: Thirteenth Helping
At least since Constantine, if not longer, the institutional church has been, besides the vehicle for the Gospel, an omnibus carrying many passengers on a first-class ride to power, wealth and worldly security.
John L. McKenzie, Catholic Biblical Scholar
Source, page 162
But of course, there is no such thing as a first class ride on the stage of life that does not require someone riding shotgun. Luxury wealth can only be retained, in the face of those who do not have the necessities of life, by the willingness to employ violence against any upstart Lazarus among the destitute. It is whimsical to think that such people would authentically support the proclamation of the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels and His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies. Or, that they would support anyone who supported such a proclamation. Why? Because, nonviolence would mean they would have to live like any other ordinary Joe, and that is an option that for them is as bad as death.