FAST FOOD (AD 2019): Tenth Helping
Love is the only power which the New Testament knows. Jesus presents in His words and life not only a good way of doing things, not only an ideal to be executed whenever it is convenient, but the only way of doing what He did. –Rev. John L. McKenzie, Catholic Biblical scholar
The spirituality and morality of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies is predicated on the understanding that the microcosmic act of Christlike love is all that humanity has to work with in its struggle against evil and death, and that this act of love is all humanity needs to work with in order to be all it was created to be—to do all it was created to do. Where Love is, God is, because God is Love. Where Love is, Power is—the only Power capable of conquering evil and death and bringing all humanity into an eternally graced union with God.