Holiness requires non-cooperation with the anti-holy. -ECM
You, machine worker, and man in the workshop: Tomorrow, when they order you no longer to make water pipes and cooking ware but steel helmets and machine artillery; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, young lady behind the sales counter, and the girl in the office: Tomorrow, when they order you to fill grenades and mount telescope sights for machine guns; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, researcher in the laboratory: Tomorrow, when they order you to discover a new death for this old life; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, poet in your study: Tomorrow, when they order you to sing songs of hate instead of songs of love; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, minister in our pulpit: Tomorrow, when they order you to bless and to sanctify war; then there is only one choice: say no!
You captain of a steamer: Tomorrow, when they order you no longer to haul wheat, but rather, cannon and bombs; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, man in the village and man in the city: Tomorrow, when they come to bring you an enlistment order; then there is only one choice: say no!
You, mother in Normandy, mother in the Ukraine. You, mother in Frisco and London, mothers from all parts of the world: Tomorrow, when they order you to bear children, soldiers for new slaughters; mothers of the world, then there is only one choice: say no!
Wolfgang Borchart, 1967