This professionally recorded retreat on the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels and His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies was given by Emmanuel Charles McCarthy at the Shrine of the Lamb in Knock, Ireland. It consists of sixteen presentations, which collectively contain what is considered to be the most comprehensive and spiritually profound proclamation of Jesus’ vital Gospel message of Nonviolent Love.
He takes as his central theme the Nonviolent Lamb of God and focuses on this biblical symbol and reality as the true icon and transcendental model for encountering God as revealed by Jesus, and for understanding and following the Way of God as taught by Jesus. Every Christian, every Christian Church, indeed all humanity, should ponder if what is said here about God and God’s Way as made visible by Jesus, the Lamb of God, is THE GOOD NEWS for which each human being,
consciously or subconsciously, ceaselessly yearns-if what is said here genuinely fulfills the hopes and quenches the fears, that universally reside at the deepest recesses of each human soul.
The titles of the talks are:
- The Lamb: To Be Adored and Imitated
- The Lamb: The Mystery of Gods Suffering Servant
- The Mind of the Lamb
- The Lamb Who Glorifies God
- The Church: A Fold of Lambs
- The Love That Is Lamb-Like
- The Lamb in a Jungle
- The Means of the Lamb
- The Lamb Who Is Rich in Mercy
- The Security of the Lamb
- The Trustworthy Lamb
- The Mystery of the Oneness in the Lamb: Baptism
- The Lambs Lamb: Mary
- The Lamb of Forgiving Love
- The Lamb of Serving Love
- The Resurrected Lamb
Behold the Lamb Audio
Translated by Manuel E. Soto Viera, M.D
Esta grabación se hizo mediante la labor de dos jóvenes angloparlantes. A pesar de la revisión final que llevé a cabo en el estudio mismo de grabación, es posible que queden en el texto algunas frases en inglés de conversaciones que tuvimos mientras grabábamos. Ruego al oyente que disculpe estos deslices, si han ocurrido.
The titles of the talks are:
- El Cordero, a adorar e imitar
- Cordero: el misterio del Siervo del Señor
- La mente del Cordero
- El Cordero que glorifica a Dios
- La Iglesia, un rebaño de ovejas
- Amor del Cordero
- El Cordero en la selva
- Los medios del Cordero
- El Cordero, rico en misericordia
- La seguridad del Cordero
- El Cordero fidedigno
- Bautismo: el misterio de la unión con el Cordero
- María, el cordero del Cordero
- El amor que perdona
- El amor que sirve
- El Cordero resucitado