Our Lamb has conquered; Him let us follow.
“This is something the Christian fellowship really needs to get through its hide. I had a preacher friend of mine who told me recently, ‘Clarence, we have just got to…
“This is something the Christian fellowship really needs to get through its hide. I had a preacher friend of mine who told me recently, ‘Clarence, we have just got to…
“The clergyman who does not put the flag above the church had better close his church and keep it closed.” —Theodore Roosevelt Below, the symbol of the marriage of two…
Racism is violence. It is intentionally hurting people by thought, word and or deed because of their race. Human institutions are constructed and sustained by humans. Racists will construct and sustain racists…
JULY 1-AUGUST 9 —for the uniting of all churches in proclaiming the truth of the nonviolent jesus of the gospels and his way of nonviolent love of friends and enemies— Abba,…