Vocations and Prayer Issue 88 – Life Unworthy Of Life: Capital Punishment
The State is not a Person The State is Mindless I am not Responsible Following the crowd or following Jesus
The State is not a Person The State is Mindless I am not Responsible Following the crowd or following Jesus
O God, Teach me Not to envy, to hate, to justify, to imitate, to support, to ennoble,…
Long before Jesus, the Christ, appeared on earth, the Prophet Jeremiah exclaimed: The cry, “Peace! Peace!” But there is no peace (Jer 6:14, 8:11).
It is Finished A Priestly Vocation of Mercy: Fr. Edward J. McDonough’s healing ministry stretched over forty years. He was a faithful servant of Christ like mercy, and a hero…
The Man Who Chose To See A Layman Picks Up The Cross of His Primary Vocation to Be a Follower of Jesus, not Simply an Admirer of Jesus.
Reflection on the Pope’s Message: Revolution Without Making Noise
Prayer to Saint Edith Stein, Sister Teresia Benedicta of the Cross 1891-1942 Dear Teresia Benedicta of the Cross, Child of the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur, Daughter of Abraham, Bride…
Dear Saint Teresia Benedicta of the Cross, child of The Day of Atonement, martyr of Auschwitz, scholar of the Church, embracer of the Cross of Christ-like love, daughter of Abraham,…